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Angel Beats: Overall Review

I always thought that Angel Beats was based from a game. I probably misread it somewhere. Maybe it’s because if I read the word Key, I quickly assume that it’s from a game.

Jun Maeda, creator of Clannad, Kanon and Air  and a part of the Key team, is the one who created the story of Angel Beats. He’s a a freakin’ genius and quite skilled in making stories that make us cry.

I’d say this anime is one hell of a hit. The animation is spot-on, thanks to P.A. Works and Aniplex for this. High quality indeed. ( Even better if you buy the DVDs. )  The comedy and seriousness are equally balanced,  no dull moments, steady character growths ( for everyone ) and the plot is executed nicely that it isn’t dragging or boring at all.

Na-Ga is another member of the Key team who was nominated by Jun Maeda to do the job of creating the character designs of Angel Beats. He’s also responsible for designing the characters from Little Busters! Maeda personally requested that Yuri’s image should have a headband, based on Yukiko Amagi’s character from Persona 4. ( It’s his favorite character lol ).

I’m probably praising this anime too much, right?  Ha-ha! I don’t care. I loved it. Angel Beats taught me more about life. And the main theme of the story is acceptance to ones own life. WELL DONE, JUN MAEDA!!

This anime is definitely worth watching again. Thank you Angel Beats!

Anime Life: Yes, it’s normal to feel sad

I feel sad. There. I said it.

I dropped the first semester since I’m moving to manila. Of course, comparing myself to Ryuugamine Mikado is inevitable.  I was all excited about this new life I’m about to take…but now I’m going there soon. I’m slowly absorbing everything and slight annoying words or happenings increase my sadness to a higher level.

It’s not just about one thing. It’s about everything that’s happening recently, compressing itself into one package. Opening it is like releasing Pandora’s Box. Oh, look at me. All emo and fucking negative.

Among everything I dislike, the one I detest the most is being negative. You can’t help it sometimes, right? And I do my best to avoid people when I feel that way because I don’t want them getting my negative aura. I don’t want to cause any trouble to anyone. Especially to people who I care the most. ( Is it who or whom? Fuck my grammar. )

I’ve become attached to some guy I’ve never met in real life, ex-koibito is sending out group messages of how his life is going and I don’t freakin care that’s why it annoys me that much, I’m leaving the place where I was born ( for good. ) and what else? Oh, the thing I love the most is anime. And I feel so freakin sad that I don’t have that same mentality towards it compared to the girl otaku I was before. It must be because of what’s going on in my life lately.

Being single is fucking rewarding. I can do whatever the hell I want,I’ve got time for myself and I won’t worry about anyone getting mad at me if I talk to a guy or watch anime all day long.

It’s just another day. It’s just….one of those fucking days you’ll forget once you’ve got everything worked out. This problem? Pssh. I don’t even need to activate my trans-am mode to kick your ass. Oh well.

And that ends our blogging for today! Enjoy your anime and remember..


Durarara!!: Last episode Review + General Review of the Whole series

    After watching the last episode of Durarara, I had a blank expression on my face. It ended as if nothing happened. It was really nothing special. Nobody died, no shocking revelation, Ryuugamine didn’t do anything at all and in-terms of character growth, most of them didn’t improve at all. Some characters were oddly flat.That’s what you normally get when there are a lot of characters.The plot focused more on how they were connected which is one of the reasons why I watched the show in the first place.

    I have to admit. There were dull moments and they couldn’t keep the
    excitement that was built up on some of the episodes. But they put a lot of cliff hangers which pretty much made us look forward to the next

    It was a happy ending. A very plain one at that. Kida, Ryuugamine and
    Anri are reunited and Ikebukuro remains the same. I’m hoping for a season 2 or an OVA or maybe even a movie. Because, I really can’t accept such a dull ending. The series had potential to be a great one but too bad it didn’t. Looking back now, I guess I’ll rate Durarara as “Above Average”. Still worth watching but not worth watching again. That’s just me though.

    There are things you wouldn’t get with just one view of Durarara. It’s just like a game. You don’t unlock everything with just one play through.I know I didn’t get the whole picture of the anime but I’m satisfied with what I got already.

    Thanks Durarara! Without you, there wouldn’t be “Colorless”.

    Final Fantasy : Final Fantasy 14 – WHEN WILL THE FANTASY END!?

    So, it’s that time again , E3. Lotsa game trailers and announcements and one of them is the new Final Fantasy game.

    As you can see in the trailer , the male lead doesn’t have the GIRLY face some gamers usually complain about. The guy is tough and sexaaaayyy.

    The game could be played online and is available for both PC and PS3. ( Yay me. ) Nothing is much known about what battle system it has , characters , when it’s gonna come out etc. We’ll just have to wait. I’m assuming that this game will be P2P so , BOOHOOO!